Hello and welcome to Highfield Nursery School
‘A place to discover, imagine, learn and grow’
We are a Birmingham Local Authority Maintained Nursery School
We provide high quality Early Education and Childcare to children aged two to four years of age.
Our teacher-led team is qualified, experienced and well-trained.
Every child and every family are welcome here and included.
Children are happy, healthy, safe and thrive on the care and support they receive.
Our nursery video offers an opportunity to see children’s learning in action. Our website provides information about our vision, ethos, provision and offer to families.
Everyday is an open day at Highfield.
If you are interested in a place for your child do come and visit us, call on 0121 675 4617 or complete an electronic enquiry form.
We look forward to you joining our Highfield family soon.
Sharon Lewis Executive Headteacher