UNICEF Article 23
Children with a disability
We are an inclusive setting. We have a SENDCO/Early Support Champion who leads provision for children with special educational needs across the setting & ensures equality in terms of access to learning through early intervention & liaison with outside agencies. We ensure that people with disabilities can participate successfully in the services offered by the school and in the curriculum offered.
SEND Information Report 2024
What can I expect at Highfield Nursery school if my child has special educational needs?
We want your child to feel safe and happy at school.
At Highfield we appreciate each child is unique. We are an inclusive setting and support the needs of all children.
Highfield will meet the needs of children with the following needs:
Communication and Interaction: Autism and Social Communication and Speech, Language and Communication needs.
Cognition and Learning: Learning Difficulties and Disabilities.
Social, Emotional and Mental Health.
Sensory /Physical: Hearing, Visual Multisensory or physical impairments
Who can I talk to about my child's Special Educational needs or if I have concerns about my child?
Each child has their own key person who will be able to explain what is being done to support your child's individual needs and will help your child to learn and enjoy their time at Highfield.
Nazmeen Shaffique is the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENDCO). She can be contacted on 0121 675 4617 or at n.shaffique@hifieldn.bham.sch.uk. She works with children, staff, parents and agencies to ensure that all pupils' needs are met.
The SENDCO will explain everything to you and make sure that you understand what is happening. We always encourage you to speak to your child's key worker too.
We share information honestly and the door is always open for you to talk to any member of our team.
What will happen if the nursery have concerns about my child?
We will talk to you if we think your child needs extra support. We will involve you in discussions about how professional people may be able to offer support and we will always ask for permission before we invite professionals into school. We follow our SEND Policy when identiying, assessing and planning for individual children's needs.
What will happen next?
We will monitor and review your child's progress regularly and you and your child will be invited to join us to discuss these outcomes and give your views and any progress or concerns from home. You and your child will be involved in making plans and setting targets for your child's learning. we will also ask families to give us feedback to help us to improve the ongoing development of our SEND provision.
How will the nursery help my child to learn?
We follow the EYFS curriculum and offer a wide range of learning opportunities through high quality teaching by qualified staff. We understand that children learn and develop in different ways.
When children need a little extra help we offer enhanced staff ratios and additional learning opportunities in small groups and 1:1 where possible - these groups allow children to develop their confidence and specific skills.
Sometimes children need a bit more support. When this happens we may need to ask professional people to help us to help your child. We will help your child to access a broad and balance range of activities and learning opportunities. We use a range of strategies including visual timetables, Makaton signs, symbols and other resources and adaptations to help enhance learning.
Staff at Highfield Nursery support all children with their Personal, Social and Emotional development.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED) is a Prime Area of the Early Years Foundation Stage and all children are supported to make positive relationships and to develop a sense of themselves.
We use the Revised Early Years Foundations Stage (EYFS) 2024, observations and Leavers wellbeing and interaction scales to monitor our children over the year.
Children are supported to develop social skills, become independent and learn how to manage their feelings. Children are also supported to understand appropriate behaviour and to develop confidence in themselves.
When children need support with Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED) we follow our Behaviour Policy. Behaviour incidences are monitored and discussed with staff in Weekly Welfare meetings and parents to identify patterns of behaviour, understand what the child is communicating, identify possible triggers all with the aim resolving conflict.
Staff at Highfield receive appropriate training so that they have the knowledge and confidence to support children's needs.
There is a rolling programme of AET Autism Training.
Staff use a language screening tool called WellComm to assess and set targets to support identified children's Communication and Language development needs.
Staff access a rolling programme of training to support speech, language and communication needs.
Staff visit other settings and collaborate with other nursery schools to ensure they share good practice in supporting children's needs appropriately.
The SENDCO attends network meetings.
Staff receive annual allergy, asthma, epilepsy training and other medical needs as they arise.
Training is arranged as needs are identified within the cohort.
Will my child be able to access all activities at nursery?
Providing opportunities for physical development and outdoor exploration is very important for children's well-being and overall development. All children are encouraged to access the outdoor spaces and activities available to them e.g. the mud kitchen, the green house and growing areas, balance bikes, construction areas, climbing etc.
All parents are invited to parents' consultations and coffee mornings.
What professionals may become involved with my child?
We will work together to get the very best for your child. Depending upon your child's needs we will ask for help from others, with your permission.
The Educational Psychologist - our educational Psychologist visits termly and more often if needed. She is able to make assessments, write reports about what your child can do and the next steps for their learning and how this can be managed.
The Communication and Autism Team (CAT)- provide training and guidance for staff and support for parents and children with social interaction and communication needs.
The Early Years Inclusion Support Team - support with staff training and ISEY (Inclusion Support for the Early Years) funding.
Your child may receive support from many other professionals as appropriate to their needs in nursery including:
Speech and Language therapists, Physiotherapists, Sensory support teams, Physical Development Support Service. There are many other professionals we can call upon to provide your child with support depending on his or her need.
Child Development Centre - The service is for pre-school children with physical or developmental delay who may need additional help, support or intervention in order to reach their potential.
Pupil and School support team (PSS) - Provide training and guidance for staff and support for parents and children around learning and development needs.
Child Development Centre (CDC) - This health service consists of specialist teams supporting children with development and physical health needs.
Health professionals - Community Paediatricians, Dietician, General Practitioner (GP), Physiotherapists, Occupational therapists, Speech and Language therapists, Health Visitors.
How does the Nursery support children with Special Educational Needs through transition?
We aim to make times of transition as easy as possible for the children in Nursery.
When starting at our Nursery we:
Complete a home/site visit to meet the child and their family when starting
Hold discussions with staff from previous settings with parent/carer permission
Read any relevant health reports with parent/carer consent.
Invite you in for Stay and Play/getting to know us sessions.
During the day we:
Provide visual timetables, use Makaton, use objects of reference, photographs, signs and symbols to support understanding.
Talk about changes to the day. Use a 'now' and 'next' boards, if necessary.
When moving to a Primary School we:
Invite the SENDCO and key staff from the school into Nursery to observe the child, share SEND plans and reports with parent/carer consent.
Talk to the key staff at the new school about things that will help your child to learn and be happy at school
Talk to the child about their new school and provide photographs wherever possible of the new school spaces, teacher also if possible pre-arrange visits to the new school.
Will I be involved in decisions about my child?
We will always involve you in decisions about your child and listen to your views and also try and involve your child in decisions about their learning.
We will be happy to direct you to organisations who can give advice and support to help you and your child.
If you have any complaints about your child's provision or progress at Highfield Nursery please speak your child's key person, the SENDCO or to the Deputy Head Teacher.
Further information can be found in our complaints policy.
Support Services that can help Parents/Carers who have a Child with SEND
SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs and Disability Information and Advice Service Tel: 0121 303 5004
Email: SENDIASS@birmingham.gov.uk
Special Educational Needs Assessment and Review Team (SENAR) -0121 303 1888
Children's Advice and Support Service (CASS) Tel:0121 303 1888
Email: cass@birminghamchildrenstrust.co.uk
Communication Autism Team - 0121 675 5057
Email: a2e@birmingham.gov.uk
Birmingham Virtual School is the Children in Care Education Services CiCES (formerly LACES Looked after Children Education Services) 0121 464 6599
Email: birminghamvirtualschool@birmingham.gov.uk
Your child's health visitor is also a good place to start if you have any concerns about your child's development.
Birmingham's Local Offer can be found at:
Local Offer Birmingham | SEND Advice and Information
What Parents Say About Us:
'Very happy for all the help and the support that we received this year'
'Staff always helping A. She enjoys coming in. Staff are really good with her needs. I am now using signs with her at home'
'Very very pleased'
'Everything was perfect for my child.. Thanks'
'Very happy with progress made. Very happy with all the staff'
'We got a lot of support from Highfield Nursery Team. It's a lot they did for us'
'A. has now made many friends with support from they keyworker and is at the early stages of begining to recognise signs we are showing her and is able to get some needs met using them'
'The additional support has a positive impact on Y. learning and development progress'
'Now showing an interest in activities, developing language, interacting with peers'
Our SEND team
Nazmeen Shaffique Interim Special Educational Needs Coordinator SENDCO
Kaukab Farooq Inclusion Manager
Lauren Coates Deputy Headteacher Early Years SENCO
Charlotte Grundy Teaching Assistant Early Years SENDCO
Lorna Rose Cluster SEND Governor
Laura Brodie Federation SEND Governor
Contact our SEND team on 0121 675 4617